Sasser Family Story

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Costa Mesa, CA

Sam and Florence met while attending Vanguard University



August 22, 1959

Inglewood, CA


Norwalk, CA

Served as youth pastors at Norwalk Assembly





Pasadena, CA

Served as youth pastors at Trinity Assembly of God Church

Honolulu, HI

Called to Hawaii to serve as Dean of Students at Aloha Bible Institute



August 22, 1961

Inglewood, CA

Renee was born

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Early Sept. 1961

Sam departed for the Marshall Islands



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Marshall Islands

Sam taught math, science and English at the Congregational Church school on the island of Rong-Rong in Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands; he immersed himself in the culture and focused on learning the Marshallese language




Marshall Islands

Florence and Renee joined Sam in the Marshall Islands and Terry was born in Majuro, Marshall Islands in August 9, 1963

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Marshall Islands

Charges of missionary subversion were made against Sam and he was ordered to leave the Marshall Islands; a petition signed by 5200 Marshallese, including congressmen, kings and businessmen caused the case to be dismissed

The Sassers became full-time missionaries under the Assemblies of God missionary board; radio ministry began

Calvary Bible Institute opened in Laura Village, Majuro, Marshall Islands






Laura Village - Marshall Islands

Ps 85:6 “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?”


The Lord visited the Marshall Islands in revival in 1964.

The Holy Spirit brought an awakening and renewal of the “first love” to the Church and many unbelievers were swept into the Kingdom.

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Marshall Islands

The framework of Sam’s ministry began to change

  • Translation work for United Nations teams and US Presidential Commissions

  • Chairman of welcoming committee for the first Peace Corps team to Micronesia

  • Translation for UN medical teams treating a polio epidemic

  • Translation for UN Security Council team investigating the effects of fallout from US nuclear weapons testing in Bikini and Enewetak atolls

Sam was appointed by the Marshallese Congress as director of the Marshallese government Office of Economic Opportunity

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Marshall Islands

The church in Laura Village numbered over 1000; a church was started

in the District Center of Majuro with over 1000;

two churches were started in the Derit, Uliga, Delap (DUD) area, numbering 800-1000


Southern CA

The Sassers returned home on furlough and took a group of 38 Marshallese, including King Namo Hermios, Queen Erta, Queen Atama Zedkaia and at least one senator, who toured and spoke at churches throughout southern CA




El Segundo, CA

The family returned to the US.



The family lived in Samoa and established Alofa Christian Training School (ACTS); Sam itinerated between Samoa, Tonga and Fiji and ministered in New Hebrides and New Caledonia


Honolulu, Hawaii

The Sassers arrived in Honolulu to take up the pastorate at First Assembly of God –Aloha Church. Renovation of the church and construction of additional educational facilities were accomplished during the four years of the Sasser’s tenure. The church grew in spirit and in number during this time and opened their doors for the Samoan and Korean community to hold services. Daily radio programs on KAIM with Pastor Sasser blessed the community with teaching from the Word of God.

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US Mainland

The Sassers returned to US mainland


Sam obtained a Masters of Theology in Missiology at Fuller Theological Seminary 


Ventura, CA

Sam and Florence pastored at Christ’s Church

Sam obtained a Doctorate of Ministries from California Graduate School of Theology



Plano, TX

Sam and Florence pastored at Fountain Gate Ministry



Ministry trip to Victory Family Centre in Singapore


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August 1, 1992

Tyler, TX

Renee and Derek married




Sam’s kidney operation, Florence gave Sam a kidney

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Tonga, Fiji, and Samoa

Ministry trip to Tonga, Fiji and Samoa


Columbus, GA

Sam served as adjunct professor at Christian Life School of Theology (CLST) 


September 27, 1995

Sam passed away

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December 1995

Marshall Islands

Florence, Terry, Renee and Derek took Sam’s heart back to

the Marshall Islands for burial, per his request




Florence, with her son Terry, returned to live and work in the Marshall Islands

  • Worked with the Church, preaching and teaching

  • Mentored, trained and equipped leaders

  • Managed a Christian radio station, Eagle 99.9

  • Started a Bible School for 1st Bukot Nan Jesus

  • During this time Terry was involved in marketplace ministry

    in the communities of the Marshall Islands

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February 19, 2000

Laura, Marshall Islands

Terry and Amy were married



April 2008-Present

Florence returned to live and work in the US

  • Continues to strengthen the large community of Marshallese believers, both in the U.S. and in the Pacific

  • Continues to translate, provide and distribute discipleship materials in the Marshallese language

  • Serves as a liaison and worker with the Orphan Justice Center, a ministry founded by her daughter Renee

  • Caregiver for Joanna John Sasser Loux

  • Continues to teach via videos placed on YouTube and Facebook

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