Meet Florence Sasser


Florence Sasser

After serving together as Youth Leaders in two churches in California, Sam and Florence Sasser began their mission to the Islands in Hawaii in 1960 and shortly after, left for the Marshall Islands in Micronesia. Their daughter Renee turned 1 year old when they arrived in the Islands. One year later, their son Terry was born. For nine years they lived in Majuro, one of the 29 Atolls that comprise the Republic of the Marshall Islands. God’s plan was evident when in 1964 a revival swept through the villages of Majuro giving birth to a live and vibrant Spirit-filled, evangelistic church. Bible students were sent out to plant churches and today there are thousands of believers as a result of the 60’s revival and the faithfulness of national pastors and workers.

The Sassers also served in the Samoan Islands in 1972, where they began the ALOFA Christian Training School (ACTS). They served in pastorates in the Pacific Basin, Honolulu, HI, Ventura, CA and Plano, TX.

On September 27, 1995 Sam passed away. Seeking the Lord to determine His direction and calling, Florence returned to their Marshallese family in 1997 with her son, Terry. For another 11 years, she worked with the Church, training and equipping leaders, preaching, teaching and managing a Christian radio station, Eagle 99.9.

Florence relocated to Kansas City, Missouri, on April 28, 2008 and continues to strengthen the large community of Marshallese believers, both in the U.S. and in the Pacific. She continues to translate, provide and distribute discipleship materials into the Marshallese language. She serves as a liaison and worker with the Orphan Justice Center, a ministry founded by her daughter Renee, whose vision is to rescue, adopt and restore orphans and children who have been abandoned and abused. She and her late husband Derek Loux adopted children from both the Marshall Islands and Ukraine in addition to their two biological daughters. 

Terry and his wife Amy have adopted Marshallese children and support the communities of Majuro providing sport opportunities for the youth, consultation for government and business leaders and multi-media resources addressing topics including education, health, environment and public awareness. 

Flo’s ongoing mission focuses on uniting and empowering the Marshallese church leaders by equipping them to reach their people with the Gospel, as detailed in Ephesians 4:11-13, “…to equip His people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”