

Priesthood of the believer

This is a book you don’t want to miss reading again and again.  It will change your Christianity and help you to truly become what God has made you in Christ.

“Jesus has made us, the redeemed individuals, to be functioning priests here on earth, to join Him in making intercession for others according to God’s revealed will, to lead worship here on earth, to be the dwelling place of God and the meeting place of people and God; to be the link between the unbeliever and the saving grace of God.”

Dr. Judson Cornwall



Worshiping God, God’s Way:
A Biblical Perspective of the Origin of Worship

Worshiping God, God's Way: A Biblical Perspective of the Origin of Worship explores the theology behind what Jesus called "true" worship in John 4:24. The book carefully highlights the emergence from the praise movement which began in the 1980s, to today's contemporary theology which uses the catchphrase, "everything we do is worship."

Steven E. Urspringer