
Pacific Mission Outreach


PMO Mission Statement


Pacific Mission Outreach exists to unite the Marshallese community and church leaders in the islands and the United States, supporting them through prayer, training, equipping and empowering to raise up the next generation and fulfill the Great Commission.


Pacific Mission Outreach ej jutak nan kakobaik jukjuk in bed eo an Rimajol im ritel ro an eklesia ko ilo aelon ko im ilo Amedka, jiban ir ilo jar, katakin, kebojak, im kokajuur ir ilo aer lelintak ebebin in ej ritotak nan kakurmol nan kein an Jesus bwe jen ilok nan jabon lal ko im kwalok kin E.


PMO Values



Encouraging pastors and church leadership to unite their hearts in prayer for each other, their churches, families and communities


Providing teaching on subjects like Unity in the Body of Christ, Releasing God's Power Through Intercession, Our Priestly Ministry to God and The Gift of Grace


Creating teaching videos and posts for YouTube and Facebook in Marshallese and English



Providing and distributing notes and printed discipleship materials in the Marshallese language.



Kakajoor rikaki im ritôl ro an ecclesia ko, bwe ren juon wot boro ilo aer jar kake doon, ecclesia ko aer, baamle ro im jukjuk in pad ko;



Komman bwe en wor katakin ko einwot Ippen Doon ilo Enbwinin Christ, Kotloke Kajoor eo an Anij ilo Jar im Akwelap, Priest Ro an Anij, im Menin Lelok eo ej Itok jen Joij eo an Anij;



Komani video im katak ko im post ko ñan YouTube im Facebook ilo kajin Majol im English;



Komman bwe en wor im ajejelok note ko im kein katakin ko emoj print er ilo kajin Majol.

 What we do

Fervent Prayer

Events and resources to build a thriving culture of prayer in Northwest Arkansas churches and beyond.



Providing videos and notes with teaching on subjects like Unity in the Body of Christ, Releasing God's Power Through Intercession, Our Priestly Ministry to God, Grace: The Making of Character.

Discipleship Materials

Making discipleship materials available in the Marshallese language (available in the Marshallese Language Resources section of this website) These are invaluable resources for leaders and families.

Why Should You Support Pacific Mission Outreach?

We can’t all go or be involved with the Marshallese people and their communities in the USA or the Islands, but we can all have a part in sending out. These pastors are passionate church planters and the training we provide endeavors to multiply the Kingdom of God in the most effective way we can. What better way to do that than to equip those who already best know their land, culture, society, and language?


Both senders and sent ones answer

God’s call to go and make disciples.

THANK YOU for CO-LABORING with Pacific Mission Outreach.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
